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Bawang Merah and Bawang Putih (Red Shallot and Garlic)

The Triumph of Kindness: Lessons in Good Deeds

Bawang Merah dan Bawang Putih | Edisi bahasa Indonesia

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Indonesian Folklore Homepage

Folklore from Central Java

In a quiet village, there lived a kind-hearted girl named Bawang Putih. She shared a home with her stepmother and stepsister, Bawang Merah. After her mother passed away when she was just a baby, her father remarried. Soon after, Bawang Merah was born. For a time, the family seemed complete.

However, tragedy struck again when her father passed away unexpectedly. From that day forward, Bawang Putih's life changed drastically. Her stepmother, who had once treated her kindly, turned cruel. She favored her own daughter, Bawang Merah, and forced Bawang Putih to do all the household chores. While Bawang Merah spent her days playing and dressing up, Bawang Putih worked tirelessly—cooking, cleaning, and doing all the heavy labor.

Despite the mistreatment, Bawang Putih remained gentle and patient, never complaining about her difficult life.

The Lost Cloth and the Mysterious Old Woman

One morning, as Bawang Putih was washing clothes by the river, a strong current swept away one of her late mother’s favorite garments. Alarmed, she ran along the riverbank, hoping to retrieve it. She searched and searched until she came across a small wooden hut deep in the forest.

An old woman stepped out and greeted her with a warm smile.

"Are you looking for something, dear child?" the woman asked kindly.

"Yes, Grandmother," Bawang Putih replied respectfully. "My mother’s cloth was carried away by the river. Have you seen it?"

The old woman nodded. "Indeed, I have. I will return it to you—but first, could you help me with some chores?"

Bawang Putih readily agreed and worked diligently, helping the old woman clean her house, cook, and tend to her garden. She never complained, even when the tasks became difficult. When everything was done, the old woman handed her the cloth with a kind smile.

"You have been a wonderful helper," she said. "As a token of appreciation, I will let you choose one of these pumpkins as a gift. One is small, and the other is large."

Bawang Putih hesitated for a moment but then humbly chose the smaller pumpkin. She thanked the old woman and made her way home.

A Surprise Gift

When Bawang Putih returned, her stepmother and Bawang Merah were furious.

"Where have you been all day?" her stepmother scolded.

Bawang Putih explained everything—the lost cloth, the old woman, and the pumpkin. Her stepmother scoffed and snatched the pumpkin from her hands. In anger, she smashed it onto the floor.

To their astonishment, the pumpkin burst open, revealing glittering gold coins, sparkling gems, and fine jewelry!

Her stepmother’s eyes widened with greed. "Bawang Merah, go to the river at once! Lose one of my clothes and find that old woman. Make sure to take the big pumpkin!"

The Price of Greed

Eager for riches, Bawang Merah followed her mother’s instructions. She went to the river, deliberately threw a piece of cloth into the water, and waited. Soon, she found the old woman’s hut and knocked on the door.

"Grandmother, have you seen my cloth?" she asked, pretending to be worried.

The old woman smiled kindly. "Yes, I have. But first, will you help me with some chores?"

Bawang Merah wrinkled her nose in disgust. "Me? Work? No way! Just give me my cloth and the big pumpkin, and I’ll be on my way!"

The old woman sighed but handed her the large pumpkin as requested. Bawang Merah snatched it rudely and ran home excitedly.

When she arrived, her mother eagerly took the pumpkin and smashed it open, expecting riches.

But instead of gold and gems, hundreds of venomous snakes slithered out! Hissing and coiling, the snakes lunged toward them.

Bawang Merah and her mother screamed in terror and ran for their lives.

A Lesson Learned

Terrified and ashamed, Bawang Merah finally realized her mistakes. With tears in her eyes, she turned to Bawang Putih.

"Sister, I have been so cruel to you. I now see that greed and selfishness only bring misfortune. I am so sorry for everything. Can you forgive me?"

Seeing her stepsister’s sincerity, Bawang Putih smiled warmly and embraced her. "Of course, I forgive you. We can start again as a family."

Touched by her kindness, their stepmother also admitted her faults. She vowed to change and treat Bawang Putih as her own daughter.

Using the wealth from the first pumpkin, Bawang Putih ensured that they all lived comfortably, sharing their fortune with those in need.

From that day on, the family lived in harmony, and the village remembered Bawang Putih’s story as a timeless lesson:

💛 Kindness and humility bring true blessings, while greed and selfishness lead to downfall. 💛

Moral Message: The Power of Kindness and Redemption

This story highlights the timeless lesson that kindness, humility, and sincerity lead to good fortune, while greed and cruelty bring misfortune. Despite enduring mistreatment, Bawang Putih remained compassionate and selfless, which ultimately rewarded her with happiness and prosperity. In contrast, the selfishness of Bawang Merah and her mother resulted in consequences that taught them an important lesson.

The tale also emphasizes the power of self-reflection and redemption. Recognizing one’s mistakes, seeking forgiveness, and choosing to change for the better can mend relationships and create a more harmonious life. True wealth is not found in material riches but in a kind heart and the willingness to do good. ✨

Fun Fact: The Origins of Bawang Putih and Bawang Merah

Did you know?

In Indonesian, "Bawang Putih" means garlic, while "Bawang Merah" refers to red shallot. These names are inspired by their contrasting colors and characteristics, much like the personalities of the two sisters in the folktale!

Both garlic and shallots belong to the Allium genus, a family of flowering plants that includes onions, scallions, leeks, and chives. The name "Allium" comes from Latin, originally referring to garlic. Some believe it may also be linked to the Greek word "αλεω" (aleo), meaning "to avoid," possibly due to garlic's strong odor.

So next time you cook with garlic and shallots, remember—you’re holding a piece of folklore in your hands! 🌱✨

The genus Allium

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